Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Mruthyunjay Nursing College, Davangere

VetaCorp organized a seminar on spoken English at Mruthyunjay Nursing College, Davangere. The main focus of the seminar was on the importance of clear communication, and pre-training assessment was conducted.

When it comes to training hospitality staff, VetaCorp has a specially tailored course. A similar seminar was also conducted at Kumuda Institute of Nursing, Davangere. Negotiations are going on to launch training at both the nursing schools.

Call ☎: 044 – 2433 3151

Email: corporate@vetaglobal.com

Visit us at: www.vetacorporate.in

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Bentley, Noida

Dealer technicians of Bentley are naturally expected to reflect the class of the product they sell and service. While the technical standard of these employees was never in question, Bentley wanted VETA to iron out their communicative skills.

We came up with an 80 hour programme covering the basics of functional grammar in the 1st phase followed by the 2nd covering proficiency in spoken English.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Tamil Nadu Judicial Academy

When the most honorable arm of democracy calls on you to deliver a presentation on communicative English, you can't help but feel proud. Legal Eagles from 0-10 years’ experience were invited by the Judicial Academy of TN to seminars that were conducted at 9 parallel locations on 2 different dates of January 2014.

Our brief was to deliver a rousing presentation on English Communicative Skills to these young groups of lawyers. Needless to say that it was well received by both, the participating attorneys and the presiding judiciary.