Wednesday, 11 April 2018

7 Time management Tips

1. Know your goals.
 Know your long term and daily goals. These should be very clear. 

1.      Make a list of your goals for the next week.
2.      Make a list of long terms goals (Consider 2 lists here:
a) 1 year goals and b) 3 year goals)

2. Prioritize wisely.
 Stephen Covey’s list to help you prioritize.
·         Important and urgent — Tasks that must be done. Do them right away.
·         Important but not urgent — Tasks that appear important, but upon closer examination
aren’t. Decide when to do them.
·         Urgent but not important — Tasks that make the most “noise,” but when accomplished,
have little or no lasting value. Delegate these if possible.
·         Not urgent and not important — Low-priority stuff that offer the illusion of “being busy.”
Do them later.
     Make a list of ten tasks for the day and break them up based on the above pointers of Covey.

3. Just say no.
You’re the boss. If you have to decline a request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate to do so. Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks. Learn from the experience to avoid wasting time.
         Can you list down 3 tasks that you performed last week that could have been avoided?

4. Plan ahead.
 Planning is perhaps the most underrated exercise that can actually make you or break you.   
     Once you are thoroughly planned your confidence levels go up and you are able to handle  
     any hiccups that come your way.

·         The night before — At the end of the day, take 15 minutes to clear your desk and put
      together a list of the next day’s most pressing tasks. It’s a great decompression technique,             
      and you’ll feel better sitting down at a clean desk in the morning.

·         First thing in the morning — Arrive a few minutes early and assemble your prioritized to-do
      list. This may prove to be the most productive part of your day. In fact if you are in the habit
     of having a morning walk, run through the days plan as you walk.

            Activity: Make a plan for tomorrow

5. Eliminate distractions.
Start paying attention to the number of times someone interrupts you when you’re in the midst of an important task. Track self-induced interruptions, too, particularly those of the social media variety. Your smart phone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the biggest time-wasters known today.
6. Delegate more often.
If you are a manager this is a key skill that you must acquire. Even at the entry level you should learn to delegate or seek help from other to accomplish certain tasks.
7. Take care of yourself.
       Be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a high-functioning mind.


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